It is always good to know you can reach Lee Calhoun 24 hours of the day. A person can be arrested at any time of the day & quite honestly for a person who has never been arrested, being in a city or county jail can be a very disturbing experience. Should you find yourself needing a Gainesville bail bondsman, always remember the name Lee Calhoun.

The bond amount is never the same for across the board & no more is that trleecalhoun-bailbondsue then a current case in Baltimore. Currently Allen Bullock, an 18 year old from Baltimore is facing a bail of $500,000. Bullock was photographed during the riots smashing a police car & has been charged with 8 misdemeanors. The bail amount is far more than his family can afford.

It was his stepfather who encouraged him to turn himself in, because he knew Bullock had committed a crime & Bullock needed to act like a grown man & recognize what he did was wrong. What makes this more shocking is the 6 police officers charged with the death of Freddie Gray Jr. received bails of $250,000 to $350,000 & all six have already posted bail. Is this fair?

It is no secret cities like Baltimore are suffering from socioeconomic disparities. Recently the Sentencing Project finished is study “Race & Punishment: Racial Perceptions of Crime & Support for Punitive Policies. The report noted Latinos & Blacks were more likely than whites to be denied bail or imposed a bail they simply could not afford to pay. Blacks & Latinos are more likely to be considered a flight risk. Could this be the reason Allen Bullock’s bail was set at $500,000?

Allen Bullock’s parents may have wanted him to do the right thing, & many people will agree with them, but now their son will likely spend the time leading to trial in jail. Hopefully the family will get some sort of financial assistance & be able to post bail for Allen.

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